from scipy.sparse import eye from import mmread from matplotlib import pyplot as plt matFile='apache2.mtx' M = mmread(matFile) rows = M.shape[0] cols = M.shape[1] A = M + eye(rows, cols) * 10000.0 plt.title("A") plt.spy(A, precision = 1e-2, marker = '.', markersize = 0.01) from modshogun import RealSparseMatrixOperator, LanczosEigenSolver op = RealSparseMatrixOperator(A.tocsc()) # Lanczos iterative Eigensolver to compute the min/max Eigenvalues which is required to compute the shifts eigen_solver = LanczosEigenSolver(op) # we set the iteration limit high to compute the eigenvalues more accurately, default iteration limit is 1000 eigen_solver.set_max_iteration_limit(2000) # computing the eigenvalues eigen_solver.compute() print 'Minimum Eigenvalue:', eigen_solver.get_min_eigenvalue() print 'Maximum Eigenvalue:', eigen_solver.get_max_eigenvalue() # We can specify the power of the sparse-matrix that is to be used for coloring, default values will apply a # 2-distance greedy graph coloring algorithm on the sparse-matrix itself. Matrix-power, if specified, is computed in O(lg p) from modshogun import ProbingSampler trace_sampler = ProbingSampler(op) # apply the graph coloring algorithm and generate the number of colors, i.e. number of trace samples trace_sampler.precompute() print 'Number of colors used:', trace_sampler.get_num_samples() from modshogun import SerialComputationEngine, CGMShiftedFamilySolver, LogRationalApproximationCGM engine = SerialComputationEngine() cgm = CGMShiftedFamilySolver() # setting the iteration limit (set this to higher value for higher condition number) cgm.set_iteration_limit(100) # accuracy determines the number of contour points in the rational approximation (i.e. number of shifts in the systems) accuracy = 1E-15 # we create a operator-log-function using the sparse matrix operator that uses CG-M to solve the shifted systems op_func = LogRationalApproximationCGM(op, engine, eigen_solver, cgm, accuracy) op_func.precompute() print 'Number of shifts:', op_func.get_num_shifts() from modshogun import LogDetEstimator # number of log-det samples (use a higher number to get better estimates) # (this is 5 times number of colors estimate in practice, so usually 1 probing estimate is enough) num_samples = 5 log_det_estimator = LogDetEstimator(trace_sampler, op_func, engine) estimates = log_det_estimator.sample(num_samples) estimated_logdet = mean(estimates) print 'Estimated log(det(A)):', estimated_logdet # the following method requires massive amount of memory, for demonstration purpose # the following code is commented out and direct value obtained from running it once is used # from modshogun import Statistics # actual_logdet = Statistics.log_det(A) actual_logdet = 7120357.73878 print 'Actual log(det(A)):', actual_logdet plt.hist(estimates) plt.plot([actual_logdet, actual_logdet], [0,len(estimates)], linewidth=3) from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix m = mmread('west0479.mtx') # computing a spd with added ridge B = csc_matrix(m.transpose() * m + identity(m.shape[0]) * 1000.0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) ax.set_title('B') ax.spy(B, precision = 1e-5, marker = '.', markersize = 2.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) ax.set_title('lower Cholesky factor') dense_matrix = B.todense() L = cholesky(dense_matrix) ax.spy(csc_matrix(L), precision = 1e-5, marker = '.', markersize = 2.0) op = RealSparseMatrixOperator(B) eigen_solver = LanczosEigenSolver(op) # computing log-det estimates using probing sampler probing_sampler = ProbingSampler(op) cgm.set_iteration_limit(500) op_func = LogRationalApproximationCGM(op, engine, eigen_solver, cgm, 1E-5) log_det_estimator = LogDetEstimator(probing_sampler, op_func, engine) num_probing_estimates = 100 probing_estimates = log_det_estimator.sample(num_probing_estimates) # computing log-det estimates using Gaussian sampler from modshogun import NormalSampler, Statistics num_colors = probing_sampler.get_num_samples() normal_sampler = NormalSampler(op.get_dimension()) log_det_estimator = LogDetEstimator(normal_sampler, op_func, engine) num_normal_estimates = num_probing_estimates * num_colors normal_estimates = log_det_estimator.sample(num_normal_estimates) # average in groups of n_effective_samples effective_estimates_normal = zeros(num_probing_estimates) for i in range(num_probing_estimates): idx = i * num_colors effective_estimates_normal[i] = mean(normal_estimates[idx:(idx + num_colors)]) actual_logdet = Statistics.log_det(B) print 'Actual log(det(B)):', actual_logdet print 'Estimated log(det(B)) using probing sampler:', mean(probing_estimates) print 'Estimated log(det(B)) using Gaussian sampler:', mean(effective_estimates_normal) print 'Variance using probing sampler:',var(probing_estimates) print 'Variance using Gaussian sampler:',var(effective_estimates_normal) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1) ax.set_title('Probing sampler') ax.plot(cumsum(probing_estimates)/(arange(len(probing_estimates))+1)) ax.plot([0,len(probing_estimates)], [actual_logdet, actual_logdet]) ax.legend(["Probing", "True"]) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2) ax.set_title('Gaussian sampler') ax.plot(cumsum(effective_estimates_normal)/(arange(len(effective_estimates_normal))+1)) ax.plot([0,len(probing_estimates)], [actual_logdet, actual_logdet]) ax.legend(["Gaussian", "True"]) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3) ax.hist(probing_estimates) ax.hist(effective_estimates_normal) ax.plot([actual_logdet, actual_logdet], [0,len(probing_estimates)], linewidth=3) from import loadmat def get_Q_y_A(kappa): # read the ozone data and create the matrix Q ozone = loadmat('ozone_data.mat') GiCG = ozone["GiCG"] G = ozone["G"] C0 = ozone["C0"] kappa = 13.1 Q = GiCG + 2 * (kappa ** 2) * G + (kappa ** 4) * C0 # also, added a ridge here Q = Q + eye(Q.shape[0], Q.shape[1]) * 10000.0 plt.spy(Q, precision = 1e-5, marker = '.', markersize = 1.0) # read y and A y = ozone["y_ozone"] A = ozone["A"] return Q, y, A def log_det(A): op = RealSparseMatrixOperator(A) engine = SerialComputationEngine() eigen_solver = LanczosEigenSolver(op) probing_sampler = ProbingSampler(op) cgm = CGMShiftedFamilySolver() cgm.set_iteration_limit(100) op_func = LogRationalApproximationCGM(op, engine, eigen_solver, cgm, 1E-5) log_det_estimator = LogDetEstimator(probing_sampler, op_func, engine) num_estimates = 1 return mean(log_det_estimator.sample(num_estimates)) def log_likelihood(tau, kappa): Q, y, A = get_Q_y_A(kappa) n = len(y); AtA = M = Q + tau * AtA; # Computing log-determinants") logdet1 = log_det(Q) logdet2 = log_det(M) first = 0.5 * logdet1 + 0.5 * n * log(tau) - 0.5 * logdet2 # computing the rest of the likelihood second_a = -0.5 * tau * ( second_b = array( from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve second_b = spsolve(M, second_b) second_b = second_b = second_b = 0.5 * (tau ** 2) * second_b log_det_part = first quadratic_part = second_a + second_b const_part = -0.5 * n * log(2 * pi) log_marignal_lik = const_part + log_det_part + quadratic_part return log_marignal_lik L = log_likelihood(1.0, 15.0) print 'Log-likelihood estimate:', L from modshogun import RealSparseMatrixOperator, ComplexDenseMatrixOperator dim = 5 random.seed(10) # create a random valued sparse matrix linear operator A = csc_matrix(random.randn(dim, dim)) op = RealSparseMatrixOperator(A) # creating a random vector random.seed(1) b = array(random.randn(dim)) v = op.apply(b) print 'A.apply(b)=',v # create a dense matrix linear operator B = array(random.randn(dim, dim)).astype(complex) op = ComplexDenseMatrixOperator(B) print 'Dimension:', op.get_dimension() from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix from scipy.sparse import identity from modshogun import ConjugateGradientSolver # creating a random spd matrix dim = 5 random.seed(10) m = csc_matrix(random.randn(dim, dim)) a = m.transpose() * m + identity(dim) Q = RealSparseMatrixOperator(a) # creating a random vector y = array(random.randn(dim)) # solve the system Qx=y # the argument is set as True to gather convergence statistics (default is False) cg = ConjugateGradientSolver(True) cg.set_iteration_limit(20) x = cg.solve(Q,y) print 'x:',x # verifying the result print 'y:', y print 'Qx:', Q.apply(x) residuals = cg.get_residuals() plt.plot(residuals) from modshogun import ComplexSparseMatrixOperator from modshogun import ConjugateOrthogonalCGSolver # creating a random spd matrix dim = 5 random.seed(10) m = csc_matrix(random.randn(dim, dim)) a = m.transpose() * m + identity(dim) a = a.astype(complex) # adding a complex entry along the diagonal for i in range(0, dim): a[i,i] += complex(random.randn(), random.randn()) Q = ComplexSparseMatrixOperator(a) z = array(random.randn(dim)) # solve for the system Qx=z cocg = ConjugateOrthogonalCGSolver(True) cocg.set_iteration_limit(20) x = cocg.solve(Q, z) print 'x:',x # verifying the result print 'z:',z print 'Qx:',real(Q.apply(x)) residuals = cocg.get_residuals() plt.plot(residuals) from modshogun import CGMShiftedFamilySolver cgm = CGMShiftedFamilySolver() # creating a random spd matrix dim = 5 random.seed(10) m = csc_matrix(random.randn(dim, dim)) a = m.transpose() * m + identity(dim) Q = RealSparseMatrixOperator(a) # creating a random vector v = array(random.randn(dim)) # number of shifts (will be equal to the number of contour points) num_shifts = 3; # generating some random shifts shifts = [] for i in range(0, num_shifts): shifts.append(complex(random.randn(), random.randn())) sigma = array(shifts) print 'Shifts:', sigma # generating some random weights weights = [] for i in range(0, num_shifts): weights.append(complex(random.randn(), random.randn())) alpha = array(weights) print 'Weights:',alpha # solve for the systems cgm = CGMShiftedFamilySolver(True) cgm.set_iteration_limit(20) x = cgm.solve_shifted_weighted(Q, v, sigma, alpha) print 'x:',x residuals = cgm.get_residuals() plt.plot(residuals) # verifying the result with cocg x_s = array([0+0j] * dim) for i in range(0, num_shifts): a_s = a.astype(complex) for j in range(0, dim): # moving the complex shift inside the operator a_s[j,j] += sigma[i] Q_s = ComplexSparseMatrixOperator(a_s) # multiplying the result with weight x_s += alpha[i] * cocg.solve(Q_s, v) print 'x\':', x_s from modshogun import DirectSparseLinearSolver # creating a random spd matrix dim = 5 random.seed(10) m = csc_matrix(random.randn(dim, dim)) a = m.transpose() * m + identity(dim) Q = RealSparseMatrixOperator(a) # creating a random vector y = array(random.randn(dim)) # solve the system Qx=y chol = DirectSparseLinearSolver() x = chol.solve(Q,y) print 'x:',x # verifying the result print 'y:', y print 'Qx:', Q.apply(x) from modshogun import DirectLinearSolverComplex # creating a random spd matrix dim = 5 random.seed(10) m = array(random.randn(dim, dim)) a = m.transpose() * m + identity(dim) a = a.astype(complex) # adding a complex entry along the diagonal for i in range(0, dim): a[i,i] += complex(random.randn(), random.randn()) Q = ComplexDenseMatrixOperator(a) z = array(random.randn(dim)) # solve for the system Qx=z solver = DirectLinearSolverComplex() x = solver.solve(Q, z) print 'x:',x # verifying the result print 'z:',z print 'Qx:',real(Q.apply(x))