from clawpack import pyclaw from clawpack import riemann claw = pyclaw.Controller() claw.tfinal = 0.6 claw.num_output_times = 40 riemann_solver = riemann.euler_4wave_2D claw.solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver2D(riemann_solver) claw.solver.all_bcs = pyclaw.BC.extrap grid_size = (300,300) domain = pyclaw.Domain( (0.,0.), (1.,1.), grid_size) claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(claw.solver.num_eqn,domain) gam = 1.4 claw.solution.problem_data['gamma'] = gam # Set initial data q = claw.solution.q xx,yy = domain.grid.p_centers l = xx<0.5; r = xx>=0.5; b = yy<0.5; t = yy>=0.5 q[0,...] = 2.*l*t + 1.*l*b + 1.*r*t + 3.*r*b q[1,...] = 0.75*t - 0.75*b q[2,...] = 0.5*l - 0.5*r q[3,...] = 0.5*q[0,...]*(q[1,...]**2+q[2,...]**2) + 1./(gam-1.) claw.keep_copy = True # Keep solution data in memory for plotting claw.output_format = None # Don't write solution data to file status = %pylab inline frame = claw.frames[40] density = frame.q[0,:,:] (vx,vy) = np.gradient(density) vs = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) x, y = frame.state.grid.c_centers plt.pcolormesh(x, y, vs, cmap='RdBu') plt.axis('image') from matplotlib import animation import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from clawpack.visclaw.JSAnimation import IPython_display import numpy as np fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4,4]) frame = claw.frames[0] density = frame.q[0,:,:] (vx,vy) = np.gradient(density) vs = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) x, y = frame.state.grid.c_centers # This essentially does a pcolor plot, but it returns the appropriate object # for use in animation. See # Note that it's necessary to transpose the data array because of the way imshow works. im = plt.imshow(vs.T, cmap='Greys', vmin=vs.min(), vmax=vs.max()/20, extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') def fplot(frame_number): frame = claw.frames[frame_number] density = frame.q[0,:,:] (vx,vy) = np.gradient(density) vs = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) im.set_data(vs.T) return im, animation.FuncAnimation(fig, fplot, frames=len(claw.frames), interval=20) import plotly un='jackp' k='11m2qbzob9' py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email=un, key=k) frame = claw.frames[40] density = frame.q[0,:,:] (vx,vy) = np.gradient(density) vs = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) # Note that it's necessary to transpose the data array because plotly's heatmap uses imshow. py.iplot({'z': vs.T, 'type':'heatmap'}) def setplot(plotdata): plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Density', figno=0) plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes() plotaxes.title = 'Density' plotaxes.scaled = True # so aspect ratio is 1 plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_schlieren') plotitem.plot_var = 0 return plotdata from clawpack.visclaw import data from clawpack.visclaw import frametools plotdata = data.ClawPlotData() plotdata.setplot = claw.setplot claw.plotdata = frametools.call_setplot(claw.setplot,plotdata) frame = claw.load_frame(40) claw.plot_frame(frame) claw.plot()