This notebook performs a very simple dot product of the same two random (square) matrices on all ipengines. It then gathers the results from all ipengines and confirms that all results are the same. This mostly demos how the push, execute, and pull pipeline works in the IPython Parallel client. import numpy as np N = 2000 a = np.random.randn(N, N) b = np.random.randn(N, N) c =,b) from IPython.parallel import Client cl = Client() cl.ids v = cl[:] v.execute('import numpy as np', block=True) v.push(dict(a=a, b=b), block=True) NOTE: We add 'print c' to the execute statement below in order to demo the display_outputs() function which shows the stdout, if any, of all remote engines as a result of executing the command. In general you do not need to print variables in order to interact with them. r = v.execute('c =,b); print c', block=True) r.display_outputs() dot = v.pull('c', block=True) print dot assert np.allclose(c, dot[0]) assert np.allclose(dot[0], dot[1]) assert np.allclose(dot[1], dot[2])