import pandas as pd from __future__ import division # this enables the 'toggle input' button from display import extended_styles from functools import partial extended_styles(css=True) # read in the data file that has "GOD" and "WORDSUM" variables # data was gathered from: # DATA IS UNWEIGHTED # na_values defines values of GOD and WORDSUM that are invalid codes # invalid codes are defined as 0,8,9 for GOD (see GSS codebook) # note: I did find some 10's for GOD, and treated them as invalid/missing # invalid codes are defined as -1,98,99 for WORDSUM fname = "sub-data-by-year.txt" data = pd.read_csv(fname,na_values = {'GOD':[0,8,9,10],'WORDSUM':[-1,98,99]}) # create a data set that has only valid cases actData = data.dropna() # make the IQ variable # (from actData["IQ"] = 15*((actData.WORDSUM - 5.965)/2.148) + 100 # plot histograms of WORDSUM for each GOD answer # Histograms for IQ will look the same, since the transformation from WORDSUM to IQ is linear # Also, the discrete WORDSUM values will result in discrete IQ values, with the same bin counts # This is over all years in the dataset #actData.WORDSUM.hist(by=actData.GOD,bins=range(0,11),figsize=(11,8),normed=True,sharey=True); fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(11,8)) for i in range(0,6): ax = fig.add_subplot(3,2,i+1) d = actData.loc[actData.GOD == i+1,"WORDSUM"] ax.hist(d,bins=range(0,11),normed=True,align="right") ax.set_ylim(0,.30) ax.set_xlim(-0.5,10.5) ax.set_xticks(range(0,11)) ax.set_title("GOD = %d"%(i+1)) ax.text(0,.225,"Number of data points = %d"%len(d)) #ax.set_xlabel("WORDSUM") if not i in [0,2,4]: ax.set_yticklabels([]) else: ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") if not i in [4,5]: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax.set_xlabel("WORDSUM") fig.tight_layout() # get IQ data for plotting iqVals = [0]*6 print "Total Number of Data Points: %d"%len(actData) for i in range(1,7): iqVals[i-1] = actData.loc[actData.GOD == i, "IQ"].value_counts() print "Number of data points for God = %d : %d"%(i,sum(iqVals[i-1])) # convert to frequency, then percentage iqVals[i-1] /= iqVals[i-1].sum() iqVals[i-1] = iqVals[i-1]*100 # sort for easy plotting iqVals[i-1] = iqVals[i-1].sort_index() # plot fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in range(0,6): ax.plot(iqVals[i].index,iqVals[i],label = "GOD = %d"%(i+1)) ax.set_ylim(0,30) ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ax.set_xlabel("IQ") ax.legend(loc="best") pylab.title("Comparison of IQ Values\nGSS 1972-2012"); # plot just two of the values for comparison fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(iqVals[0].index,iqVals[0],marker='o',label = "GOD = 1") ax.plot(iqVals[-1].index,iqVals[-1],marker='o',label = "GOD = 6") ax.set_ylim(0,30) ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ax.set_xlabel("IQ") ax.legend(loc="best") pylab.title("Comparison of IQ Values\nGSS 1972-2012"); # repeat, but restrict to 2012 # This data will have very few data points, so it's not very reliable print "Total Number of Data Points: %d"%sum(actData.loc[(actData.YEAR == 2012), "IQ"].value_counts()) # get IQ data for plotting iqValsByYear = [0]*6 for i in range(1,7): iqValsByYear[i-1] = actData.loc[(actData.GOD == i) & (actData.YEAR == 2012), "IQ"].value_counts() print "Number of data points for God = %d : %d"%(i,sum(iqValsByYear[i-1])) # convert to frequency, then percentage iqValsByYear[i-1] /= iqVals[i-1].sum() iqValsByYear[i-1] = iqVals[i-1]*100 # sort for easy plotting iqValsByYear[i-1] = iqVals[i-1].sort_index() # plot fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in range(0,6): ax.plot(iqValsByYear[i].index,iqValsByYear[i],label = "GOD = %d"%(i+1)) ax.set_ylim(0,30) ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ax.set_xlabel("IQ") ax.legend(loc="best") pylab.title("Comparison of IQ Values\nGSS 2012"); # plot just two of the values for comparison fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(iqValsByYear[0].index,iqValsByYear[0],marker='o',label = "GOD = 1") ax.plot(iqValsByYear[-1].index,iqValsByYear[-1],marker='o',label = "GOD = 6") ax.set_ylim(0,30) ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ax.set_xlabel("IQ") ax.legend(loc="best") pylab.title("Comparison of IQ Values\nGSS 2012"); # this enables the nice CSS styling from IPython.core.display import HTML def css_styling(): styles = open("styles/custom.css", "r").read() return HTML(styles) css_styling()