def shear(tree, names): """Lop off tips until the tree just has the desired tip names""" tcopy = tree.deepcopy() all_tips = set([n.Name for n in]) ids = set(names) if not ids.issubset(all_tips): raise ValueError, "ids are not a subset of the tree!" while len( != len(ids): for n in if n.Name not in ids: n.Parent.removeNode(n) tcopy.prune() return tcopy def RFD(tree1, tree2, proportion = False): """Calculates the Robinson and Foulds symmetric difference Implementation based off of code by Julia Goodrich """ t1names = tree1.getTipNames() t2names = tree2.getTipNames() if set(t1names) != set(t2names): if len(t1names) < len(t2names): tree2 = shear(tree2, t1names) else: tree1 = shear(tree1, t2names) tree1_sets = tree1.subsets() tree2_sets = tree2.subsets() not_in_both = tree1_sets ^ tree2_sets total_subsets = len(tree1_sets) + len(tree2_sets) dist = len(not_in_both) if proportion: dist = dist/float(total_subsets) return dist base_region_boundaries = [ ('v2', 136, 1868), #27f-338r ('v2.v3', 136, 2232), ('v2.v4', 136, 4051), ('v2.v6', 136, 4932), ('v2.v8', 136, 6426), ('v2.v9', 136, 6791), ('v3', 1916, 2232), #349f-534r ('v3.v4', 1916, 4051), ('v3.v6', 1916, 4932), ('v3.v8', 1916, 6426), ('v3.v9', 1916, 6791), ('v4', 2263, 4051), #515f-806r ('v4.v6', 2263, 4932), ('v4.v8', 2263, 6426), ('v4.v9', 2263, 6791), ('v6', 4653, 4932), #967f-1048r ('v6.v8', 4653, 6426), ('v6.v9', 4653, 6791), ('v9', 6450, 6791), #1391f-1492r ('full.length', 0, 7682), # Start 150, 250, 400 base pair reads ('v2.150', 136, 702), ('v2.250', 136, 1752), ('v2.v3.400', 136, 2036), # Skips reads that are larger than amplicon size ('v3.v4.150', 1916, 2235), ('v3.v4.250', 1916, 2493), ('v3.v4.400', 1916, 4014), ('v4.150', 2263, 3794), ('v4.250', 2263, 4046), ('v4.v6.400', 2263, 4574), ('v6.v8.150', 4653, 5085), ('v6.v8.250', 4653, 5903), ('v6.v8.400', 4653, 6419) ] percentages = range(76,98,3) labels = [] trees = [] from os.path import exists for p in percentages: for rb in base_region_boundaries: tree_path = '/home/ubuntu/data/gg_%s_otus_4feb2011_aligned_%s_pfiltered.tre' % (p,rb[0]) if exists(tree_path): labels.append("%i.%s" % (p,rb[0])) trees.append(tree_path) print len(trees) from IPython import parallel rc = parallel.Client(packer='pickle') view = rc.load_balanced_view() print "We have %i engines available" % len(rc.ids) # skip cached results (for faster debugging) rc[:]['skip_cache'] = True import socket ar = rc[:].apply_async(socket.gethostname) mapping = ar.get_dict() rev_map = {} per_node = 4 for eid, node in mapping.iteritems(): if node not in rev_map: rev_map[node] = [] if len(rev_map[node]) < per_node: rev_map[node].append(eid) from import flatten targets = flatten(rev_map.values()) len(targets) dv = rc[targets] dv.push(dict(shear=shear, RFD=RFD, trees=trees), block=False) load_ar = dv.execute( """ from cogent.parse.tree import DndParser ts = [DndParser(open(tree_fp)) for tree_fp in trees] """, block=False) load_ar def compute_row(i, ts): """function to compute a whole row with RFD""" import numpy row = [] t1 = ts[i] for t2 in ts: row.append(RFD(t1, t2, True)) return numpy.array(row) ntasks = len(trees) tree_ref = parallel.Reference('ts') rf_view = rc.load_balanced_view(targets=targets) row_ars = [ rf_view.apply_async(compute_row, i, tree_ref) for i in range(ntasks) ] import time ready = [ ar.ready() for ar in row_ars ] while not all(ready): ready = [ ar.ready() for ar in row_ars ] sys.stdout.write('\r%3i / %3i' % (sum(ready), len(ready))) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(5) rfrows = [ ar.get() for ar in row_ars ] rf_dist_mat = numpy.array(rfrows) from qiime.format import format_distance_matrix rf_parallel_fp = '/home/ubuntu/data/rf_distance_matrix.txt' rf_parallel_f = open(rf_parallel_fp,'w') rf_parallel_f.write(format_distance_matrix(labels,rf_dist_mat)) rf_parallel_f.close() We now have a Robinson-Foulds distance matrix which we can compare against our original Pearson distance matrix to confirm that our conclusions are robust to the choice of distance metric. We'll begin by comparing these with the Mantel test. ! -i /home/ubuntu/data/distance_matrix_complete.txt,/home/ubuntu/data/rf_distance_matrix.txt -o /home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf --method mantel -n 1000 !cat /home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf/mantel_results.txt We see that the Mantel test gives a significant p-value (p = 0.001), telling us that the Pearson distances are significantly correlated with the Robinson-Foulds distances. As we based our original conclusions on our interpretation of a Principal Coordinates (PCoA) plot, it's also useful to perform a Procrustes analysis to tell us whether we would be likely to derive the same conclusion from the PCoA plot generated from Robinson-Foulds distances, based on low sum-of-squares distances between the paired points in the two principal coordinate plots. ! -i /home/ubuntu/data/rf_distance_matrix.txt -o /home/ubuntu/data/rf_pc.txt ! -i /home/ubuntu/data/rf_pc.txt,/home/ubuntu/data/pc.txt -o /home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf/ -r 1000 !cat /home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf/rf_pc_pc_procrustes_results.txt ! -i /home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf/pc1_transformed.txt,/home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf/pc2_transformed.txt -o /home/ubuntu/data/pearson_v_rf/plots/ -m tree_metadata.txt