from __future__ import division from deltasigma import * import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3) order = 8 osr = 32 nlev = 2 f0 = 0.125 Hinf = 1.5 form = 'CRFB' ntf = synthesizeNTF(order, osr, 2, Hinf, f0) # Optimized zero placement print "Synthesized a %d-order NTF, with roots:\n" % order print " Zeros:\t\t\t Poles:" for z, p in zip(ntf[0], ntf[1]): print "(%f, %fj)\t(%f, %fj)" % (np.real(z), np.imag(z), np.real(p), np.imag(p)) print "" plotPZ(ntf, showlist=True) a, g, b, c = realizeNTF(ntf, form) b = np.hstack(( # Use a single feed-in for the input np.atleast_2d(b[0, 0]), np.zeros((1, max(b.shape)-1)) )) ABCD = stuffABCD(a, g, b, c, form) print "ABCD Matrix:" print ABCD DocumentNTF(ABCD, osr, f0) f = gcf() f.set_size_inches((15, 6)) figure(figsize=(15,8)) PlotExampleSpectrum(ntf, M=1, osr=osr, f0=f0) snr, amp = simulateSNR(ntf, osr, None, f0, nlev) figure(figsize=(15,8)) if nlev == 2 and f0 == 0.: snr_pred, amp_pred, k0, k1, se = predictSNR(ntf, osr) plot(amp_pred, snr_pred, '-', label='predicted') hold(True) plot(amp, snr,'o-.g', label='simulated') xlabel('Input Level (dBFS)') ylabel('SQNR (dB)') peak_snr, peak_amp = peakSNR(snr, amp) msg = 'peak SQNR = %4.1fdB \n@ amp = %4.1fdB ' % (peak_snr, peak_amp) text(peak_amp-10,peak_snr,msg, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center'); msg = 'OSR = %d ' % osr text(-2, 5, msg, horizontalalignment='right'); hold(False) figureMagic([-100, 0], 10, None, [0, 80], 10, None, [12, 6], 'Time-Domain Simulations') legend(loc=2); # Dynamic range scaling print 'Doing dynamic range scaling... ', ABCD0 = ABCD.copy() ABCD, umax, S = scaleABCD(ABCD0, nlev, f0) #a, g, b, c = mapABCD(ABCD,form); print 'Done.' print "Maximum input magnitude: %.3f" % umax print 'Verifying dynamic range scaling... ', u = np.linspace(0, 0.95*umax, 30) N = 1e4 N0 = 50 test_tone = np.cos(2*np.pi*f0*np.arange(N)) test_tone[:N0] = test_tone[:N0]*(0.5 - 0.5*np.cos(2*np.pi/N0*np.arange(N0))) maxima = np.zeros((order, u.shape[0])) for i in np.arange(u.shape[0]): ui = u[i] v, xn, xmax, y = simulateDSM(ui*test_tone, ABCD, nlev) maxima[:, i] = xmax[:, 0] if (xmax > 1e2).any(): print 'Warning, umax from scaleABCD was too high.' umax = ui u = u[:i] maxima = maxima[:, :i] break print 'Done.' print "Maximum DC input level: %.3f" % umax colors = get_cmap('jet')(np.linspace(0, 1.0, order)) hold(True) for i in range(order): plot(u, maxima[i,:], 'o-', color=colors[i], label='State %d' % (i+1)) grid(True) figureMagic([0, umax], None, None, [0, 1] , 0.1, 2, [12, 6], 'State Maxima') xlabel('DC input') ylabel('Maxima') legend(loc='best'); a, g, b, c = mapABCD(ABCD, form) adc = { 'order':order, 'osr':osr, 'nlev':nlev, 'f0':f0, 'ntf':ntf, 'ABCD':ABCD, 'umax':umax, 'peak_snr':peak_snr, 'form':form, 'coefficients':{ 'a':a, 'g':g, 'b':b, 'c':c } } print "Final ADC coefficients:" print " %s\n %s" % ('a', adc['coefficients']['a']) print " %s\n %s" % ('g', adc['coefficients']['g']) print " %s\n %s" % ('b', adc['coefficients']['b']) print " %s\n %s" % ('c', adc['coefficients']['c'])