def C_factory(P, V=None, n=2): """ Returns a b-spline curve C(t) configured with P, V and n. Parameters ========== - P (list of D-tuples of reals) : List of de Boor points of dimension D. - n (int) : degree of the curve - V (list of reals) : list of knots in increasing order (by definition). Returns ======= A D-dimensionnal B-Spline curve. """ # TODO: check that p_len is ok with the degree and > 0 m = len(P) # the number of points in P D = len(P[0]) # the dimension of a point (2D, 3D) # TODO: check the validity of the input knot vector. # TODO: create an initial Vector Point. ############################################################################# # The following line will be detailed later. # # We create the highest degree basis spline function, aka. our entry point. # # Using the recursive formulation of b-splines, this b_n will call # # lower degree basis_functions. b_n is a function. # ############################################################################# b_n = basis_factory(n) def S(t, d): """ The b-spline funtion, as defined in eq. 3. """ out = 0. for i in range(m): #: Iterate over 0-indexed point indices out += P[i][d]*b_n(t, i, V) return out def C(t): """ The b-spline curve, as defined in eq. 4. """ out = [0.]*D #: For each t we return a list of D coordinates for d in range(D): #: Iterate over 0-indexed dimension indices out[d] = S(t,d) return out #################################################################### # "Enrich" the function with information about its "configuration" # #################################################################### C.V = V #: The knot vector used by the function C.spline = S #: The spline function. C.basis = b_n #: The highest degree basis function. Useful to do some plotting. C.min = V[0] #: The domain of definition of the function, lower bound for t C.max = V[-1] #: The domain of definition of the function, upper bound for t C.endpoint = C.max!=V[-1] #: Is the upper bound included in the domain. return C def make_knot_vector(n, m, style="clamped"): """ Create knot vectors for the requested vector type. Parameters ========== - n (int) : degree of the bspline curve that will use this knot vector - m (int) : number of vertices in the control polygone - style (str) : type of knot vector to output Returns ======= - A knot vector (tuple) """ if style != "clamped": raise NotImplementedError total_knots = m+n+2 # length of the knot vector, this is exactly eq.6 outer_knots = n+1 # number of outer knots at each of the vector. inner_knots = total_knots - 2*(outer_knots) # number of inner knots # Now we translate eq. 5: knots = [0]*(outer_knots) knots += [i for i in range(1, inner_knots)] knots += [inner_knots]*(outer_knots) return tuple(knots) # We convert to a tuple. Tuples are hashable, required later for memoization def basis_factory(degree): """ Returns a basis_function for the given degree """ if degree == 0: def basis_function(t, i, knots): """The basis function for degree = 0 as per eq. 7""" t_this = knots[i] t_next = knots[i+1] out = 1. if (t>=t_this and t< t_next) else 0. return out else: def basis_function(t, i, knots): """The basis function for degree > 0 as per eq. 8""" out = 0. t_this = knots[i] t_next = knots[i+1] t_precog = knots[i+degree] t_horizon = knots[i+degree+1] top = (t-t_this) bottom = (t_precog-t_this) if bottom != 0: out = top/bottom * basis_factory(degree-1)(t, i, knots) top = (t_horizon-t) bottom = (t_horizon-t_next) if bottom != 0: out += top/bottom * basis_factory(degree-1)(t, i+1, knots) return out #################################################################### # "Enrich" the function with information about its "configuration" # #################################################################### basis_function.lower = None if degree==0 else basis_factory(degree-1) = degree return basis_function # We decide to draw a quadratic curve n = 2 # Next we define the control points of our curve P = [(3,-1), (2.5,3), (0, 1), (-2.5,3), (-3,-1)] # Create the knot vector V = make_knot_vector(n, len(P), "clamped") # Create the Curve function C = C_factory(P, V, n) # Regularly spaced samples sampling = [t for t in np.linspace(C.min, C.max, 100, endpoint=C.endpoint)] # Sample the curve!!!! curvepts = [ C(s) for s in sampling ] # Create a matplotlib figure fig = plt.figure() fig.set_figwidth(16) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Draw the curve points ax.scatter( *zip(*curvepts), marker="o", c=sampling, cmap="jet", alpha=0.5 ) # Draw the control cage. ax.plot(*zip(*P), alpha=0.3) def memoize(f): """ Memoization decorator for functions taking one or more arguments. """ class memodict(dict): def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def __call__(self, *args): return self[args] def __missing__(self, key): ret = self[key] = self.f(*key) return ret return memodict(f) def C_factory(P, n=2, V_type="clamped"): """ Returns a b-spline curve C(t) configured with P, V_type and n. The knot vector will be created according to V_type Parameters ========== - P (list of D-tuples of reals) : List of de Boor points of dimension D. - n (int) : degree of the curve - V_type (str): name of the knit vector type to create. Returns ======= A D-dimensionnal B-Spline Curve. """ # TODO: check that p_len is ok with the degree and > 0 m = len(P) # the number of points in P D = len(P[0]) # the dimension of a point (2D, 3D) # Create the knot vector V = make_knot_vector(n, m, V_type) # TODO: check the validity of the input knot vector. # TODO: create an initial Vector Point. ############################################################################# # The following line will be detailed later. # # We create the highest degree basis spline function, aka. our entry point. # # Using the recursive formulation of b-splines, this b_n will call # # lower degree basis_functions. b_n is a function. # ############################################################################# b_n = basis_factory(n) @memoize def S(t, d): """ The b-spline funtion, as defined in eq. 3. """ out = 0. for i in range(m): #: Iterate over 0-indexed point indices out += P[i][d]*b_n(t, i, V) return out def C(t): """ The b-spline curve, as defined in eq. 4. """ out = [0.]*D #: For each t we return a list of D coordinates for d in range(D): #: Iterate over 0-indexed dimension indices out[d] = S(t,d) return out #################################################################### # "Enrich" the function with information about its "configuration" # #################################################################### C.P = P #: The control polygone C.V = V #: The knot vector used by the function C.spline = S #: The spline function. C.basis = b_n #: The highest degree basis function. Useful to do some plotting. C.min = V[0] #: The domain of definition of the function, lower bound for t C.max = V[-1] #: The domain of definition of the function, upper bound for t C.endpoint = C.max!=V[-1] #: Is the upper bound included in the domain. return C def make_knot_vector(n, m, style="clamped"): """ Create knot vectors for the requested vector type. Parameters ========== - n (int) : degree of the bspline curve that will use this knot vector - m (int) : number of vertices in the control polygone - style (str) : type of knot vector to output Returns ======= - A knot vector (tuple) """ if style != "clamped": raise NotImplementedError total_knots = m+n+2 # length of the knot vector, this is exactly eq.6 outer_knots = n+1 # number of outer knots at each of the vector. inner_knots = total_knots - 2*(outer_knots) # number of inner knots # Now we translate eq. 5: knots = [0]*(outer_knots) knots += [i for i in range(1, inner_knots)] knots += [inner_knots]*(outer_knots) return tuple(knots) # We convert to a tuple. Tuples are hashable, required later for memoization @memoize def basis_factory(degree): """ Returns a basis_function for the given degree """ if degree == 0: @memoize def basis_function(t, i, knots): """The basis function for degree = 0 as per eq. 7""" t_this = knots[i] t_next = knots[i+1] out = 1. if (t>=t_this and t 0 as per eq. 8""" out = 0. t_this = knots[i] t_next = knots[i+1] t_precog = knots[i+degree] t_horizon = knots[i+degree+1] top = (t-t_this) bottom = (t_precog-t_this) if bottom != 0: out = top/bottom * basis_factory(degree-1)(t, i, knots) top = (t_horizon-t) bottom = (t_horizon-t_next) if bottom != 0: out += top/bottom * basis_factory(degree-1)(t, i+1, knots) return out #################################################################### # "Enrich" the function with information about its "configuration" # #################################################################### basis_function.lower = None if degree==0 else basis_factory(degree-1) = degree return basis_function import matplotlib def draw_bspline(C=None, P=None, n=None, V_type=None, endpoint_epsilon=0.00001): """Helper function to draw curves.""" if P and n and V_type: C = C_factory(P, n, V_type) if C: # Use 2D or 3D is3d = True if len(C.P[0])==3 else False from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # Regularly spaced samples sampling = [t for t in np.linspace(C.min, C.max, 100, endpoint=C.endpoint)] # Hack to sample close to the endpoint sampling.append(C.max - endpoint_epsilon) # Sample the curve!!!! curvepts = [ C(s) for s in sampling ] # Create a matplotlib figure fig = plt.figure() fig.set_figwidth(12) if is3d: fig.set_figheight(10) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Draw the curve points ax.scatter( *zip(*curvepts), marker="o", c=sampling, cmap="jet", alpha=0.5 ) # Draw the control cage. ax.plot(*zip(*C.P), alpha=0.3) # Draw the knots knotspos = [C(s) for s in C.V if s!= C.max] knotspos.append( C(C.max - endpoint_epsilon) ) ax.scatter( *zip(*knotspos), marker="*", c=sampling, alpha=1, s=100 ) # Here we annotate the knots with their values prev = None occurences = 1 for i, curr in enumerate(C.V): if curr == C.max: kpos = C(curr-endpoint_epsilon) else: kpos = C(curr) if curr == prev: occurences += 1 else: occurences = 1 kpos[0] -= 0.3*occurences ax.text( *kpos, s="t="+str(curr), fontsize=12 ) prev = curr # Next we define the control points of our 2D curve P = [(3 , 1), (2.5, 4), (0, 1), (-2.5, 4), (-3, 0), (-2.5, -4), (0, -1), (2.5, -4), (3, -1)] # Create the a quadratic curve function draw_bspline(P=P, n=2, V_type="clamped") # Next we define the control points of our 3D curve P3D = [(3, 1, 8), (2.5, 3, 7), (0, 1, 6), (-2.5, 3, 5), (-3, 0, 4), (-2.5, -3, 3), (0, -1, 2), (2.5, -3, 1), (3, -1, 0)] # Create the a quadratic curve function draw_bspline(P=P3D, n=2, V_type="clamped")