from pandas_composition import UserFrame, UserSeries import pandas as pd import as pdd import IPython IPython.core.pylabtools.figsize(20, 15) from import candlestick from itertools import izip def ohlc(df, width=0.3, secondary_y=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Takes a df and plots a candlestick. """ dates = df.index.to_pydatetime() times = date2num(dates) quotes = izip(times, df['Open'], df['Close'], df['High'], df['Low']) ax = gca() candlestick(ax, quotes, width=width, colorup='g') return ax class StockData(UserFrame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): symbol = kwargs.get('symbol', None) self.symbol = symbol def ohlc(self): " plot candlestick " ax = ohlc(self, label=self.symbol) ax.set_title(self.symbol) return ax def get_gaps(df, offset=0): " when open is above or below the previous days range " gap_up = df.Open > (df.High.shift(1) + offset) gap_down = df.Open < (df.Low.shift(1) - offset) gaps = gap_up | gap_down return Indicator(gaps, source=df, name="Gaps") def ma(self, period): " moving average " ma = pd.rolling_mean(df.Close, period) ma = Indicator(ma, source=self, name='MA {period}'.format(period=period)) return ma class Indicator(UserSeries): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): source = kwargs.pop('source', None) self.source = source def plot(self, source_col='Close', *args, **kwargs): " plot the indicator. source_col only used for markers " df = self.source label = kwargs.get('label', None) or # use kwargs['label'] = label if self.dtype == bool: # plot markers for bool sig = self * df[source_col] sig[sig == 0] = np.nan plot_date(sig.index.to_pydatetime(), sig.values, *args, **kwargs) else: plot(self.index.to_pydatetime(), self, *args, **kwargs) legend() df = pdd.get_data_yahoo('AAPL') df = StockData(df, symbol='AAPL') df.tail(30).ohlc() df.get_gaps().tail(30).plot('Open', color='pink', markersize=10)