from IPython.display import Image Image(url='') from math import pi as PI from math import sin, cos import random from plotly.widgets import GraphWidget from plotly.graph_objs import * import plotly.plotly as py import as tls from IPython.html import widgets from IPython.display import display, clear_output root = 12 # color the tree with a gradient from root_col to tip_col # interpolate linearly to get color at a given position in the gradient def get_col(root_col, tip_col, iterat): r = ((iterat*1.0/root)*(root_col[0]-tip_col[0]))+tip_col[0] g = ((iterat*1.0/root)*(root_col[1]-tip_col[1]))+tip_col[1] b = ((iterat*1.0/root)*(root_col[2]-tip_col[2]))+tip_col[2] return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r,g,b) def tree_graph(iterat=12, branch_angle=18.0): # angle to radian factor ang2rad = PI/180.0 # experiment with trunk length (try 120) t = 120 # experiment with factor to contract the trunk each iteratation (try 0.7) r = 0.7 # starting orientation (initial 90 deg) theta = 90.0 * ang2rad # experiment with angle of the branch (try 18 deg) dtheta = branch_angle * ang2rad # experiment with gradient color choices root_col = (40,40,40) tip_col = (250,250,250) # experiment with factor to increase random angle variation as child branches get smaller iterscale = 6.0 # center of bottom origin = (250, 500) root=iterat # make the tree def fractal_tree(lines, iterat, origin, t, r, theta, dtheta, root_col, tip_col, randomize=False): """ draws branches iterat: iteratation number, stop when iterat == 0 origin: x,y coordinates of the start of this branch t: current trunk length r: factor to contract the trunk each iteratation theta: starting orientation dtheta: angle of the branch """ if iterat == 0: return lines # render the branch x0, y0 = origin # randomize the length randt = random.random()*t if randomize: x, y = x0 + randt * cos(theta), y0 - randt * sin(theta) else: x, y = x0 + cos(theta), y0 - sin(theta) # color the branch according to its position in the tree col = get_col(root_col, tip_col, iterat) # add to traces lines.append(Scatter(x=[x0, x], y=[y0, y], mode='lines', line=Line(color=col, width=1))) # recursive calls if randomize: fractal_tree(lines, iterat-1, (x,y), t * r, r, theta + (random.random())*(iterscale/(iterat+1))*dtheta, dtheta, root_col, tip_col, randomize) fractal_tree(lines, iterat-1, (x,y), t * r, r, theta - (random.random())*(iterscale/(iterat+1))*dtheta, dtheta, root_col, tip_col, randomize) else: fractal_tree(lines, iterat-1, (x,y), t * r, r, theta + dtheta, dtheta, root_col, tip_col, randomize) fractal_tree(lines, iterat-1, (x,y), t * r, r, theta - dtheta, dtheta, root_col, tip_col, randomize) lines = [] fractal_tree(lines, iterat, origin, t, r, theta, dtheta, root_col, tip_col, True) # group the lines by similar color branches = {} for line in lines: color = line['line']['color'] if color not in branches: branches[color] = line else: branches[color]['x'].extend(line['x']) branches[color]['y'].extend(line['y']) branches[color]['x'].append(None) branches[color]['y'].append(None) branch_data = [branches[c] for c in branches] return branch_data g = GraphWidget('') iterations = widgets.IntSliderWidget() iterations.min= 2 iterations.max= 14 iterations.value = 12 iterations.description = 'iterations' branch_angle = widgets.IntSliderWidget() branch_angle.min = 5 branch_angle.max = 90 branch_angle.value = 18 branch_angle.description = 'branch angle' seed = widgets.ButtonWidget() seed.description = 'Grow a new tree' def regraph_tree(_): branch_data = tree_graph(iterations.value, branch_angle.value) g.restyle({'x': [[]], 'y': [[]]}) g.add_traces(branch_data) iterations.on_trait_change(regraph_tree, 'value') branch_angle.on_trait_change(regraph_tree, 'value') seed.on_click(regraph_tree) display(iterations) display(branch_angle) display(seed) display(g) layout = Layout(yaxis=YAxis(autorange='reversed'), width=500, showlegend=False) g.relayout(layout) # CSS styling within IPython notebook - feel free to re-use from IPython.core.display import HTML import urllib2 HTML(urllib2.urlopen('').read())