from IPython.display import Image Image(url='') from IPython.html import widgets from IPython.display import display, clear_output import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import * import plotly from plotly.widgets import GraphWidget import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('', infer_datetime_format=True) df = df df.head() df['Complaint Type'].value_counts() c = df['Complaint Type'].value_counts() url = py.plot([Bar(x=c.index, y=c.values)], filename='311 most common complaints', auto_open=False) graph = GraphWidget(url) # Place the graph in a popup, so that we can move it around popup = widgets.PopupWidget( children=[graph] ) popup.set_css('display', 'none', selector='.btn') popup a = df['Agency Name'].value_counts() graph.restyle({'x': [a.index], 'y': [a.values]}) column_headers_dropdown = widgets.DropdownWidget() column_headers_dropdown.values = {column: column for column in df.columns} column_headers_dropdown def on_dropdown_selection(_, old_selection, new_selection): clear_output() display(new_selection) vc = df[new_selection].value_counts() graph.restyle({'x': [vc.index], 'y': [vc.values]}) column_headers_dropdown.on_trait_change(on_dropdown_selection, 'value') idx = df['Complaint Type'].str.contains('Tree').fillna(False) df[idx]['Complaint Type'].value_counts() t = widgets.TextWidget() t.description = 'Search complaint types (e.g. "Tree")' t def on_text_input(_, old_text, new_text): clear_output() display(new_text) idx = df['Complaint Type'].str.contains(new_text).fillna(False) vc = df[idx][column_headers_dropdown.value].value_counts() graph.restyle({'x': [vc.index], 'y': [vc.values]}) t.on_trait_change(on_text_input, 'value', remove=False) # CSS styling within IPython notebook - feel free to re-use from IPython.core.display import HTML import urllib2 HTML(urllib2.urlopen('').read())