import numpy as np from astropy.models import models, fitting, parameters # We use iminuit to check the results # # iminuit is super light-weight, all you get is a class called Minuit, # which can compute best-fit parameters (migrad), parameter errors # (hesse and minos) and a few other things (e.g. fit statistic # profiles / contours). # You have to write your models and fit statistics yourself. from iminuit import Minuit %pylab inline # Data # Let's use the example from here: # xdata = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ydata = np.array([1, 1, 5, 7, 8, 12]) sigma = np.array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2], dtype=float) # Plot the data plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'o', label='true model') plt.xlim(-0.5, 5.5) plt.ylim(0, 13); # Model def line(x, slope, intercept): """Linear function (two fit parameters)""" return slope * x + intercept # Fit statistic (not used at the moment) def chi2(model, parameters, data): """Generic chi^2 function""" slope, intercept = parameters x, y, sigma = data chi = (y - model(*parameters)) / sigma chi2 = chi ** 2 return np.sum(chi2) def chi2_for_line(slope, intercept): """ Chi^2 statistic for given line model parameters. Note: The Minuit fitter is not interested in your data or model, only this function! """ chi = (ydata - line(xdata, slope, intercept)) / sigma chi2 = chi ** 2 return np.sum(chi2) minuit = Minuit(chi2_for_line, pedantic=False, print_level=0) minuit.migrad() # Compute optimum values minuit.hesse() # Compute errors (covariance matrix as inverse Hesse matrix) print 'values:', minuit.values print 'errors:', minuit.errors # Compute parameters and errors with astropy.models poly_model = models.Poly1DModel(1) fitter = fitting.LinearLSQFitter(poly_model) fitter(xdata, ydata, weights=sigma ** (-1)) print dict(slope=poly_model.c1, intercept=poly_model.c0) # TODO: Currently no way to compute parameter errors with astropy.models. class UserLineModel(models.PModel): """ Line as a user-defined model in astropy Note: this is a lot of boilerplate code. But in reality there is no reason for a user to not use the built-in polynomial models, so it doesn't matter if this is not easy in astropy. """ parnames = ['slope', 'intercept'] def __init__(self, slope, intercept, paramdim=1): self.linear = True self._slope = parameters._Parameter(name='slope', val=slope, mclass=self, paramdim=paramdim) self._intercept = parameters._Parameter(name='intercept', val=intercept, mclass=self, paramdim=paramdim) models.ParametricModel.__init__(self, self.parnames, ndim=1, outdim=1, paramdim=paramdim) self.domain = None self.window = None self._order = 2 def eval(self, x, params): return params[0] * x + params[1] def __call__(self, x): x, format = models._convert_input(x, self.paramdim) result = self.eval(x, self.psets) return models._convert_output(result, format) def deriv(self, x): res = np.ones((len(x), 2)) res[:,0] = x.copy() return res # Run the example using the user-defined model line_model = UserLineModel(slope=1, intercept=1) fitter = fitting.LinearLSQFitter(line_model) fitter(xdata, ydata, weights=sigma ** (-1)) print dict(slope=line_model.slope, intercept=line_model.intercept) # TODO: Results don't match. Why!??? # Trying to find out why results don't match ... poly_model.__dict__ line_model.__dict__ MAXITER = 100 EPS = 1e-10 class UserSLSQPFitter(fitting.Fitter): """ User-defined chi^2 fitter in astropy Note: this is a lot of boilerplate code. """ def __init__(self, model, fixed=None, tied=None, bounds=None, eqcons=None, ineqcons=None): fitting.Fitter.__init__(self, model, fixed=fixed, tied=tied, bounds=bounds, eqcons=eqcons, ineqcons=ineqcons) def errorfunc(self, fps, *args): meas = args[0] self.fitpars = fps res = self.model(*args[1:]) - meas return np.sum(res**2) def __call__(self, x, y , maxiter=MAXITER, epsilon=EPS): self.fitpars = optimize.fmin_slsqp(self.errorfunc, p0=self.model.parameters[:], args=(y, x), bounds=self.constraints._bounds, eqcons=self.constraints.eqcons, ieqcons=self.constraints.ineqcons) # Run an example with the user-defined chi^2 fitter # TODO: Make this work model = models.Poly1DModel(1) fitter = UserSLSQPFitter(model) # TODO: Run an example with the user-defined model and chi^2 fitter! # Model def gauss(x, amplitude, mean, sigma): exponent = 0.5 * ((x - mean) / sigma) ** 2 return amplitude * np.exp(-exponent) # Data (simulated) true_parameter_values=dict(amplitude=100, mean=5, sigma=1) xdata = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1) ydata_model = gauss(xdata, **true_parameter_values) sigma = 10 * np.ones_like(xdata) np.random.seed(0) yerror = np.random.normal(0, sigma) ydata = ydata_model + yerror # Plot the data plt.plot(xdata, ydata_model, lw=2, label='true model') plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'o', label='simulated data') plt.legend(); def chi2_for_gauss(amplitude, mean, sigma): """ Chi^2 statistic for given gauss model parameters. """ chi = (ydata - gauss(xdata, amplitude, mean, sigma)) / sigma chi2 = chi ** 2 return np.sum(chi2) minuit = Minuit(chi2_for_gauss, pedantic=False, print_level=0, **true_parameter_values) minuit.migrad() # Compute optimum values minuit.hesse() # Compute errors (covariance matrix as inverse Hesse matrix) print 'values:', minuit.values print 'errors:', minuit.errors # Compute parameters and errors with astropy.models gauss_model = models.Gauss1DModel(amplitude=true_parameter_values['amplitude'], xcen=true_parameter_values['mean'], xsigma=true_parameter_values['sigma']) fitter = fitting.NonLinearLSQFitter(gauss_model) fitter(xdata, ydata, weights=sigma ** (-1)) print dict(amplitude=gauss_model.amplitude, mean=gauss_model.xcen, sigma=gauss_model.xsigma) # TODO: Results don't match the iminuit results from the last cell. Why? # TODO: User-defined Gauss1D model # TODO: User-defined NonLinearLSQFitter # Model def gauss(x, amplitude, mean, sigma): exponent = 0.5 * ((x - mean) / sigma) ** 2 return amplitude * np.exp(-exponent) # Data (simulated) true_parameter_values=dict(amplitude=100, mean=5, sigma=1) xdata = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1) ydata_model = gauss(x, **true_parameter_values) np.random.seed(0) ydata = np.random.poisson(ydata_model) # Plot the data plt.plot(xdata, ydata_model, lw=2, label='true model') plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'o', label='simulated data') plt.legend(); # Fit statistic def cash(D, M, safe=False): """cash fit statistic where D = data, M = model This is simply 2 x the negative log Poisson likelihood: P = (M ** D) * exp(-M) / (D!) log(P) = D * log(M) - M - log(D!) cash = - 2 * log(P) (model-independent term dropped) """ stat = 2 * (M - D * log(M)) if safe: return np.where(M > 0, stat, 1) else: return stat def cash_for_gauss(amplitude, mean, sigma): """ Cash statistic for given gauss model parameters. Note: The Minuit fitter is not interested in your data or model, only this function! """ ydata_model = gauss(xdata, amplitude, mean, sigma) statval = cash(ydata, ydata_model) return np.sum(statval) # TODO: check if an up=0.5 is missing to get correct errors! minuit = Minuit(cash_for_gauss, pedantic=False, print_level=0, **true_parameter_values) minuit.migrad() # Compute optimum values minuit.hesse() # Compute errors (covariance matrix as inverse Hesse matrix) print 'values:', minuit.values print 'errors:', minuit.errors # TODO: reproduce Minuit results from last cell with astropy # TODO: User-defined cash fitter ''' class UserCashFitter(fitting.Fitter): """User-defined cash statistic fitter in astropy""" def __init__(self, model, fixed=None, tied=None, bounds=None, eqcons=None, ineqcons=None): fitting.Fitter.__init__(self, model, fixed=fixed, tied=tied, bounds=bounds, eqcons=eqcons, ineqcons=ineqcons) def errorfunc(self, fps, *args): meas = args[0] self.fitpars = fps res = self.model(*args[1:]) - meas return np.sum(res**2) def __call__(self, x, y , maxiter=MAXITER, epsilon=EPS): self.fitpars = optimize.fmin_slsqp(self.errorfunc, p0=self.model.parameters[:], args=(y, x), bounds=self.constraints._bounds, eqcons=self.constraints.eqcons, ieqcons=self.constraints.ineqcons) ''' ''' class OldLine(models.ParametricModel): """Old version of the Line class. Doesn't work.""" parnames = ['slope', 'intercept'] def __init__(self, slope, intercept, paramdim=1): self.linear = True self._slope = parameters._Parameter(name='slope', val=slope, mclass=self, paramdim=paramdim) self._intercept = parameters._Parameter(name='intercept', val=intercept, mclass=self, paramdim=paramdim) models.ParametricModel.__init__(self, self.parnames, ndim=1, outdim=1, paramdim=paramdim) def eval(self, x, params): return params[0] * x + params[1] def __call__(self, x): x, format = models._convert_input(x, self.paramdim) result = self.eval(x, self.psets) return models._convert_output(result, format) '''