import pyproj import netCDF4 as nc import os import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap os.chdir("C:\\Users\\bnordgren\\Documents\\Orchidee\\Snow") d = nc.Dataset('') print d print d.variables['time'] print d.variables['time'][0] full_years = 365.25 * (2002-1966) oct_to_jan = np.sum([(31-3),30,31]) # rest of oct, nov, dec print full_years, full_years + oct_to_jan print d.variables['time'][0] - (full_years + oct_to_jan) print d.variables['latitude'] print d.variables['latitude'][0,0] lats = d.variables['latitude'][:] print lats.shape print "The mask is: ", lats.mask[0,0] print "The data value is: ",[0,0] lats[0,0] = 42. print lats[0,0] print "The mask is: ", lats.mask[0,0] print "The data value is: ",[0,0] # ... and set it back lats[0,0] = print lats[0,0] print "The mask is: ", lats.mask[0,0] print "The data value is: ",[0,0][0,0] = -999.0 print lats[0,0] print "The mask is: ", lats.mask[0,0] print "The data value is: ",[0,0] snow = d.variables['merged_snow_cover_extent'] print snow print snow[0,0,0] snow[0,0,0] = 42 coords = d.variables['coord_system'] print coords unmasked_ij = np.where(np.logical_not(lats.mask)) indices = zip(*unmasked_ij) first = indices[0] last = indices[-1] print "First: ", first print "Last: ", last lons = d.variables['longitude'] print "First: ", lats[first], lons[first] print "Last: ", lats[last], lons[last] #remember that coords is the python variable referring to the "coord_system" netcdf variable. lat_0 = coords.latitude_of_projection_origin lon_0 = coords.longitude_of_projection_origin false_e = coords.false_easting false_n = coords.false_northing s_major = coords.semimajor_axis s_minor = coords.semiminor_axis the_proj = pyproj.Proj(proj="laea", lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, x_0=false_e, y_0=false_n, a=s_major, b=s_minor) geo = pyproj.Proj(proj="latlong", a=s_major, b=s_minor) x1,y1 = pyproj.transform(geo,the_proj, lons[first], lats[first]) x2,y2 = pyproj.transform(geo,the_proj, lons[last], lats[last]) # it's (rows,cols), so index[1]==column m_x = (x2-x1)/(last[1]-first[1]) b_x = x1 - (m_x*first[1]) print x2, last[1]*m_x+b_x # it's (rows,cols) so index[0]==rows m_y = (y2-y1)/(last[0]-first[0]) b_y = y1 -(m_y*first[0]) print y2, last[0]*m_y+b_y print m_x, m_y cv_rows = m_x * np.arange(len(d.dimensions['rows'])) + b_x cv_cols = m_y * np.arange(len(d.dimensions['cols'])) + b_y # first, close the current file d.close() # now open again for writing d = nc.Dataset('', 'r+') # make the rows coordinate variable # note the variable name is the same as the dimension name rows_var = d.createVariable('rows',np.float32, ('rows',)) # give it the expected attributes rows_var.standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' rows_var.axis = 'Y' rows_var.units = 'meters' # write the values to the variable rows_var[:] = cv_rows # make the cols coordinate variable # note the variable name is the same as the dimension name cols_var = d.createVariable('cols',np.float32, ('cols',)) # give it the expected attributes cols_var.standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' cols_var.axis = 'X' cols_var.units = 'meters' # write the values to the variable cols_var[:] = cv_cols #close the file to make sure everything is written d.close() print m_y d = nc.Dataset('') snow = d.variables['merged_snow_cover_extent'][:] lats = d.variables['latitude'][:] lons = d.variables['longitude'][:] imshow(snow[0,...]) def init_basemap() : m = Basemap(width=100000*180, height=100000*180, #llcrnrx=cv_cols[0], llcrnry=cv_rows[-1], urcrnrx=cv_cols[-1], urcrnry=cv_rows[0], resolution='l', projection='laea', lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180.,180.,20.),labels=[False,False,False,True]) m.drawparallels(np.arange(10.,80.,20.), labels=[True,False,False,False]) return m figsize(12,10) m = init_basemap() c = m.contourf(lons[:], lats[:], snow[0,...], 20, latlon=True) cb = m.colorbar(c) title("Snow cover, 13 Jan 2003")