from pyndamics import Simulation sim=Simulation() # get a simulation object sim.add("mice'=b*mice - d*mice", # the equations 100, # initial value plot=True) # display a plot sim.params(b=1.1,d=0.08),4) sim=Simulation() # get a simulation object sim.stock("mice",100,plot=False) sim.inflow("mice","b*mice") sim.outflow("mice","d*mice") sim.params(b=1.1,d=0.08),4) x,y=sim.t,sim.mice plot(x,y,'r--') xlabel('Days') ylabel('Number of Mice') sim=Simulation() sim.add("deer' = r*deer*(1-deer/K)-c*deer*wolf", initial_value=350, plot=True) sim.add("wolf' = -Wd*wolf+D*deer*wolf", initial_value=50, plot=True) sim.params(r=0.25,D=0.001,c=0.005,Wd=0.3,K=1e500) print sim.equations(),500) from pyndamics import phase_plot phase_plot(sim,'deer','wolf') sim=Simulation() # logistic growth sim.add("pop' = r*pop*(1-pop/K)", initial_value=350, plot=1) # exponential growth sim.add("pop2' = r*pop2", initial_value=350, plot=1) sim.params(r=0.25,K=3000),5) sim=Simulation() sim.add("x''=-k*x/m -b*x'",[10,0],plot=True) sim.params(k=1.0,m=1.0,b=0.5) print sim.equations(),20) sim=Simulation() sim.add("p'=p*(1-p)",0.1,plot=True),10) from pyndamics import vector_field vector_field(sim,p=linspace(-1,2,20)) vector_field(sim,rescale=True,p=linspace(-1,2,20)) sim=Simulation() sim.add("x'=sigma*(y-x)",14,plot=True) sim.add("y'=x*(rho-z)-y",8.1,plot=True) sim.add("z'=x*y-beta*z",45,plot=True) sim.params(sigma=10,beta=8.0/3,rho=15),50,num_iterations=10000) # increase the resolution phase_plot(sim,'x','z') phase_plot(sim,'x','y','z') sim=Simulation() sim.add("x1''=(-b1 * x1' - k1 * (x1 - L1) + k2 * (x2 - x1 - L2)) / m1",[0.5,0.0],plot=[1,2]) sim.add("x2''=(-b2 * x2' - k2 * (x2 - x1 - L2)) / m2",[2.25,0.0],plot=[1,2]) sim.params( m1 = 1.0, # masses m2 = 1.5, # masses k1 = 8.0, # Spring constants k2 = 40.0, L1 = 0.5, # Natural lengths L2 = 1.0, b1 = 0.8, # Friction coefficients b2 = 0.5, ),10) N=2 sim=Simulation() sim.add_system(N,"x[i]''=(-b[i] * x[i]' - k[i] * (x[i] -x[i-1] -L[i]) + k[i+1] * (x[i+1] - x[i] - L[i+1])) / m[i]", [[0.5,0.0],[2.25,0.0]], # initial conditions [[1,2],[1,2]], # plot arguments ) sim.system_params(N, k=[8.0,40.0], m=[1,1.5], L=[0.5,1], b=[0.8,0.5], x_1=0, # these are the boundary conditions on each side x_N=0, k_N=0, L_N=0, ) print "Here are the equations:" print sim.equations(),10) N=3 sim=Simulation() sim.add_system(N,"x[i]''=(-b[i] * x[i]' - k[i] * (x[i] -x[i-1] -L[i]) + k[i+1] * (x[i+1] - x[i] - L[i+1])) / m[i]", [[0.5,0.0],[2.25,0.0],[2.5,0.0]], # initial conditions [[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]], # plot arguments ) sim.system_params(N, k=[8.0,40.0,30.0], m=[1,1.5,0.5], L=[0.5,1,2], b=[0.8,0.5,.1], x_1=0, # these are the boundary conditions on each side x_N=0, k_N=0, L_N=0, ) print "Here are the equations:" print sim.equations(),10)