from __future__ import division import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #IPython magic command for inline plotting %matplotlib inline #a better plot shape for IPython mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']=[15,3] #Example to find the area of a square def areaSquare(a): return a ** 2 print areaSquare(3) x=np.linspace(1,10,10) print x print sumArray(x) class Pen(object): def __init__ (self): self.state = False def click(self): self.state = not self.state def write(self, in_str): if (self.state): print "Writing message '%s'.\n"%in_str; else: print "Oops! The pen is retracted.\n"; bic = Pen();; bic.write("hello world"); print bic.state my_string = 'sunday sunday sunday' my_string.upper() 'philadelphia'.capitalize() # The following use of a member method `join` is astonishingly useful. elements = ['fire', 'earth', 'water', 'air'] ', '.join(elements) # As is the use of `split`, particularly in data processing. pmu_data = '03-Apr-2014 00:55:07.500,60.0347,Good,0,Good,0,Good,121.275,Good,102.8688,Good,60.0353,Good,0,Good,0,Good,60.035,Good,0,Good,0,Good,123.285,Good,14.69637,Good,123.783,Good,50.32861,Good,0,Good,60.035,Good,0.01,Good,0,Good,112.985,Good,162.6308,Good,0.1530308,Good,132.8789,Good' pmu_data.split(',') u'己所不欲,勿施於人。 (孔夫子)' #print u'己所不欲,勿施於人。 (孔夫子)' u'São Paolo, Brasil' #print u'São Paolo, Brasil' print "\tTab me over" print r"\tDon't tab me over" from string import ascii_uppercase ascii_uppercase a = [66.25, 333, 333, 1, 1234.5] a.insert(2, -1) a.append(333) dogs = ['newfoundland', 'labrador', 'chow-chow', 'mutt'] print 'I have %d dogs.'%len(dogs) for dog in dogs: print 'One kind of dog is a %s.'%dog squares = [] for x in range(10): squares.append(x**2) squares #Same as squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)] matrix = [ [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], ] #List comprehension to evaluate transpose [[row[i] for row in matrix] for i in range(4)] myfirstdict = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3} myfirstdict['a'] bic.__dict__ class Dog: breed='abc' size=0 name='xyz' # Now let's create an object or an instance of the class Dog d=Dog() # The dot operator (.) gives you access to an object’s state and behavior (instance variables and methods). 'Jack' print # Now let us add a method to the class class Dog: breed='abc' size=0 name='xyz' def bark(self): print "Ruff Ruff!" d=Dog() d.bark() x=Dog() x.bark() = 'Wolverine' x.breed = 'hound' size = 24 # inches tall at the shoulder class Dog: ''' Attributes include breed, size and name''' # constructor def __init__(self, name='xyz', breed='abc', size=0): name self.breed= breed self.size= size def bark(self): print "Ruff Ruff!" y=Dog('Jack','lab',10) print print y.breed y=Dog() print print y.breed class Account: def __init__(self, holder, number, balance, credit_line=1500): self.holder = holder self.number = number self.balance = balance self.credit_line = credit_line def deposit(self, amount): self.balance = amount acct = Account('Carrie Fisher', '492727ZED', 1300) print acct.holder, acct.number, acct.balance, acct.credit_line class Account: def __init__(self, holder, number, balance, credit_line=1500): self._holder = holder self.number = number self.__balance = balance self.__credit_line = credit_line def deposit(self, amount): self.balance = amount class ChildAcc(Account): def getHolder(self): return self._holder # with two __ will fail, with one _ succeeds acct = Account('Carrie Fisher', '492727ZED', 1300) print acct.number #print acct.holder, acct.number, acct.balance, acct.credit_line # will fail chld = ChildAcc('Harrison Ford', 'C3POR2D2', 1250) print chld.getHolder() # How to access a class ChildAcc(Account): def __getHolder(self): return self._holder # with two __ will fail, with one _ succeeds chld = ChildAcc('Frank Oz', 'Y0D4', 900) print chld._ChildAcc__getHolder() class Point: def __init( self, x=0, y=0): self.x = x self.y = y def __del__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ print class_name, "deleted" pt1 = Point() # The destructor `__del__` is called by `del`. del pt1 class Rectangle(Canvas): def printRect(self): print "Inside Rectangle Class" r = Rectangle(10, 5) print r.area() r.printRect() class Square(Rectangle): def __init__(self,a): self.side=a def area(self): return self.side**2 s = Square(4) print s.area() s.printRect() # Test your code as follows. g = Graduate('John', '609248986', 'M', 'CS', 'PhD') g.getDegree() items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squared = [] for x in items: squared.append(x ** 2) squared [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] def sqr(x): return x ** 2 list(map(sqr, items)) list(range(-5,5)) [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] list( filter((lambda x: x < 0), range(-5,5))) [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1] #Sieve of Eratosthenes nums = range(2, 50) for i in range(2, 8): nums = filter(lambda x: x == i or x % i, nums) print nums reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) x = 5 # x <- 5 #x = eval('%d + 6' % x) # x <- 11 #x = eval('abs(%d)' % -100) # x <- 100 #x = eval('x = 5') # INVALID; assignment is not an expression. #x = eval('if 1: x = 4') # INVALID; if is a statement, not an expression. x exec 'print(5)' # prints 5. exec 'print(5)\nprint(6)' # prints 5{newline}6. exec 'if True: print(6)' # prints 6. exec '5' # does nothing and returns nothing. def greet_me(**kwargs): if kwargs is not None: for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): print "%s == %s" %(key,value) greet_me(name="abcd") import site print(site.getsitepackages()) # Return the path of the user base directory print(site.getusersitepackages()) # Return the path of the user-specific site-packages directory, USER_SITE from __future__ import division import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import scipy.special as sp class CompositeLegendreDiscretization: """A discrete function space on a 1D domain consisting of multiple subintervals, each of which is discretized as a polynomial space of maximum degree *order*. (see constructor arguments) There are :attr:`nintervals` * :attr:`npoints` degrees of freedom representing a function on the domain. On each subinterval, the function is represented by its function values at Gauss-Legendre nodes (see :func:`scipy.speical.legendre`) mapped into that subinterval. .. note:: While the external interface of this discretization is exclusively in terms of vectors, it may be practical to internally reshape (see :func:`numpy.reshape`) these vectors into 2D arrays of shape *(nintervals, npoints)*. The object has the following attributes: .. attribute:: intervals The *intervals* constructor argument. .. attribute:: nintervals Number of subintervals in the discretization. .. attribute:: npoints Number of points on each interval. Equals *order+1*. .. attributes:: nodes A vector of ``(nintervals*npoints)`` node locations, consisting of Gauss-Legendre nodes that are linearly (or, to be technically correct, affinely) mapped into each subinterval. """ def __init__(self, intervals, order): """ :arg intervals: determines the boundaries of the subintervals to be used. If this is ``[a,b,c]``, then there are two subintervals :math:`(a,b)` and :math:`(b,c)`. (and the overall domain is :math:`(a,c)`) :arg order: highest polynomial degree being used """ self.intervals=intervals self.nintervals=len(intervals)-1 self.npoints=order + 1 #Initializing shifted_nodes shifted_nodes=np.zeros(self.npoints*self.nintervals) #Calling the scipy function to obtain the unshifted nodes unshifted_nodes=sp.legendre(self.npoints).weights[:,0] #Initializing shifted weights shifted_weights=np.zeros(self.nintervals*self.npoints) #Calling the scipy function to obtain the unshifted weights unshifted_weights=sp.legendre(self.npoints).weights[:,1] #Linearly mapping the unshifted nodes and weights to get the shifted #nodes and weights for i in range(self.nintervals): shifted_nodes[i*self.npoints:(i+1)*self.npoints]=(self.intervals[i]+ self.intervals[i+1])/2 + (self.intervals[i+1]-self.intervals[i])*(unshifted_nodes[0:self.npoints])/2 shifted_weights[i*self.npoints:(i+1)*self.npoints]=(self.intervals[i+1]-self.intervals[i])*(unshifted_weights[0:self.npoints])/2 #Setting nodes and weights attributes self.nodes=np.reshape(shifted_nodes,(self.nintervals,self.npoints)) self.weights=np.reshape(shifted_weights,(self.nintervals,self.npoints)) #Obtaining Vandermonde and RHS matrices to get A def vandermonde_rhs(m,arr): X=np.zeros((m,m)) RHS=np.zeros((m,m)) for i in range(m): for j in range(m): X[i][j]=arr[i]**j RHS[i][j]=((arr[i]**(j+1))-((-1)**(j+1)))/(j+1) return X,RHS A=np.zeros((self.npoints,self.npoints)) X,RHS=vandermonde_rhs(self.npoints,unshifted_nodes) #Solving for spectral integration matrix,la.inv(X)) self.A=A def integral(self, f): r"""Use Gauss-Legendre quadrature on each subinterval to approximate and return the value of .. math:: \int_a^b f(x) dx where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the left-hand and right-hand edges of the computational domain. :arg f: the function to be integrated, given as function values at :attr:`nodes` """ int_val=0 #Using Composite Gauss Quadrature to evaluate the whole integral for i in range(self.nintervals): f_val_arr=f[i,:][i,:],f_val_arr.T) int_val+=dot_val return int_val def left_indefinite_integral(self, f): r"""Use a spectral integration matrix on each subinterval to approximate and return the value of .. math:: g(x) = \int_a^x f(x) dx at :attr:`nodes`, where :math:`a` is the left-hand edge of the computational domain. The computational cost of this routine is linear in the number of degrees of freedom. :arg f: the function to be integrated, given as function values at :attr:`nodes` """ #Initializing the left_indefinite_integral I=np.zeros((self.nintervals,self.npoints)) current_quad_val=0 for i in range(self.nintervals): if i>0: f_val_prev=f[i-1:i,:] weights_prev=self.weights[i-1:i,:],f_val_prev.T) current_f_val=f[i,:] #Scaling the Spectral integration matrix by the interval length[i+1]-self.intervals[i])/2,self.A),current_f_val.T) #Adding the spectral factor to the evaluated definite integral indefinite_int=current_quad_val + spectral_factor I[i,:]=indefinite_int J=np.reshape(I,(self.nintervals*self.npoints,1)) return I def right_indefinite_integral(self, f): r"""Use a spectral integration matrix on each subinterval to approximate and return the value of .. math:: g(x) = \int_x^b f(x) dx at :attr:`nodes`, where :math:`b` is the left-hand edge of the computational domain. The computational cost of this routine is linear in the number of degrees of freedom. :arg f: the function to be integrated, given as function values at :attr:`nodes` """ #Initializing the right integral I1=np.zeros(self.nintervals*self.npoints) #Unravelling the weights and function values at nodes f_right=f.ravel() weights_right=self.weights.ravel() for i in range(self.nintervals): #Evaluating Gauss Quadrature for all intervals from current to end f_next=f_right[i*self.npoints:self.npoints*self.nintervals] weights_next=weights_right[i*self.npoints:self.npoints*self.nintervals],f_next.T) current_f_val=f_right[i*self.npoints:(i+1)*self.npoints] #Scaling the spectral integration matrix[i+1]-self.intervals[i])/2,self.A),current_f_val.T) #Subtracting spectral factor from Gauss Quadrature value I1[(i)*self.npoints:(i+1)*self.npoints],f_next.T) - spectral_factor J=np.reshape(I1,(self.nintervals,self.npoints)) return J from __future__ import division #from legendre_discr import CompositeLegendreDiscretization import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pt def get_left_int_error(n, order): a = 2 b = 30 intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=True) ** 2 * (b-a) + a discr = CompositeLegendreDiscretization(intervals, order) x = discr.nodes assert abs(discr.integral(1+0*x) - (b-a)) < 1e-13 alpha = 4 from scipy.special import jv, jvp f = jvp(alpha, x) num_int_f = jv(alpha, a) + discr.left_indefinite_integral(f) int_f = jv(alpha, x) if 0: pt.plot(x.ravel(), num_int_f.ravel()) pt.plot(x.ravel(), int_f.ravel()) L2_err = np.sqrt(discr.integral((num_int_f - int_f)**2)) return 1/n, L2_err def get_right_int_error(n, order): a = 2 b = 30 intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=True) ** 2 * (b-a) + a discr = CompositeLegendreDiscretization(intervals, order) x = discr.nodes assert abs(discr.integral(1+0*x) - (b-a)) < 1e-13 alpha = 4 from scipy.special import jv, jvp f = jvp(alpha, x) num_int_f = jv(alpha, b) - discr.right_indefinite_integral(f) int_f = jv(alpha, x) if 0: pt.plot(x.ravel(), num_int_f.ravel()) pt.plot(x.ravel(), int_f.ravel()) L2_err = np.sqrt(discr.integral((num_int_f - int_f)**2)) return 1/n, L2_err def estimate_order(f, point_counts): n1, n2 = point_counts h1, err1 = f(n1) h2, err2 = f(n2) print "h=%g err=%g" % (h1, err1) print "h=%g err=%g" % (h2, err2) from math import log est_order = (log(err2/err1) / log(h2/h1)) print "%s: EOC: %g" % (f.__name__, est_order) print return est_order if __name__ == "__main__": for order in [2, 3, 5, 7]: print "---------------------------------" print "ORDER", order print "---------------------------------" assert (estimate_order(lambda n: get_left_int_error(n, order), [10, 30]) >= order-0.5) assert (estimate_order(lambda n: get_right_int_error(n, order), [10, 30]) >= order-0.5)