sero_ebg_st = {'parab-java': {32: ['681', '423', '42', '733', '734'], 19: ['88', '372', '127'], 59: ['28'], 155: ['404', '679'], 5: ['896', '772', '570', '307', '267', '110', '265', '264', '149', '86', '43', '325', '266']}, 'enteritidis': {32: ['74'], 4: ['745', '310', '616', '460', '168', '136', '11', '691', '640', '11SLV', '183', '366', '1479', '814'], 93: ['180', '172']}, 'typhimurium': {1: ['376', '429', '205', '204', '323', '19', '302', '394', '35', '34', '99', '98', '159', '137', '456', '209', '128', '313', '332', '328', '213'], 26: ['15'], 138: ['SLV36', '36'], 54: ['13']}, 'virchow': {9: ['618', '755', '303', 'SLV16', 'TLV16', '38', '16', '181', '326', '648', '359'], 70: ['197', '333']}, 'braenderup': {24: ['194', '311', '21', '22']}, 'kentucky': {56: ['727', '198'], 164: ['832', 'SLV314', '314'], 15: ['151', '152', '318', '723', '221']}, 'agona': {26: ['15'], 83: ['463'], 54: ['13', '37', '1328', '1215']}, 'newport': {3: ['201', '1496', '157', '211', '46', '158', '45', '355', '193', '121', '131', '116', '353', '125', '184', '350', '614', '165'], 2: ['199', '190', '115', '117', 'SLV118', '119', '118', '345', '347', '5', '187', '189', '120', '122', '123', '164', '167', '223', '163', '354', '352', '351', '375'], 35: ['166', '360', '156'], 154: ['808', '807'], 7: ['132', '346', '200', '348', '31', '191', '188', '349']}, 'oranienburg': {41: ['47', '1523', '1522', '23'], 203: ['1538', '1392', '1513', '1512'], 44: ['1553', '1516', '320', '169', '1515', '174'], 45: ['292'], 50: ['91', '1514'], 52: ['179']}, 'infantis': {31: ['295', '32', '1032', '41', 'SLV32']}, 'typhi': {13: ['1', '890', '3', '2', '8', '911', 'SLV2', '892']}, 'paratyphi-a': {11: ['130', '129', '495', '494', 'SLV85', '479', '85']}, 'stanley': {29: ['1027', 'DLV29', '51', '29', '182', 'SLV51']}, 'montevideo': {208: ['749', '1491'], 4: ['195', '305', '316', '1493', '1489', '1488', '81', '699', '1537', '1536', '1535', '4', '1531'], 39: ['748', '138', '1518']}} print 'serotype\tnumber of EBGs\n' for serotype in sero_ebg_st: print serotype, '\t', len(sero_ebg_st[serotype]) print 'serotype\tNum of EBGs\n' for serotype in sero_ebg_st: print serotype, '\t', len(sero_ebg_st[serotype]), '\t' print 'EBG : Num STs' for ebg in sero_ebg_st[serotype]: print '\t', ebg, ':', len(sero_ebg_st[serotype][ebg]), '\t\t', print