import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.misc import imread %matplotlib inline # download the image to /tmp and open with scipy !wget -O /tmp/Fuel_economy_vs_speed_1997.png pic = imread('/tmp/Fuel_economy_vs_speed_1997.png') # the image we got plt.imshow(pic,origin='upper'); # defining the model beta = 2*(40)**3 alpha = 3*(40)**2*35 model = lambda v: alpha/( v**2 + 2*(40)**3/v ) # just checking that the model looks reasonable vs = np.linspace(1,90,1000) mpgs = model(vs) plt.plot( vs, mpgs); # looking at hte data, get the conversion factors from mph to pixels and mpg to pixels vscale = ( 420-100) / 90. mpgscale = ( 400 - 150 ) / 40. # transform the model into pixel space vpic = 100 + vscale*vs mpgpic = 380 - (mpgscale*mpgs) #Plot poth on top of one another plt.figure(figsize=(22,16)); plt.imshow(pic, origin='upper'); plt.plot(vpic, mpgpic, linewidth=30, alpha=0.5); plt.xlim((0,pic.shape[1])); plt.ylim((pic.shape[0],0)); plt.axis('off'); #plt.savefig('modified.png') gasprice = 3.753 # in dollars from wolfram alpha costperhour = vs / mpgs * gasprice plt.plot( vs, costperhour, lw=3 ) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('speed (mph)') plt.ylabel('cost ($/hour)'); #plt.savefig('costperhour.png'); plt.title("Operating cost per hour for average US vehicle"); # I get the change by taking a gradient dcost5mph = np.gradient(costperhour, vs[1]-vs[0])*5 plt.plot(vs, dcost5mph, lw=3) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('speed (mph)') plt.ylabel('dcost ($/hour/5 mph)'); #plt.savefig('dcostperhour.png'); plt.title("Change in operating cost for 5 mph difference in speed per hour"); costpermile = gasprice*10./mpgs plt.plot(vs[100:], costpermile[100:], lw=3) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('speed (mph)') plt.ylabel('$/10 miles'); plt.title("Cost per 10 miles"); #plt.savefig("costpermile.png"); dcostpermile = np.gradient(costpermile, vs[1]-vs[0])*5; plt.plot(vs[100:], dcostpermile[100:], lw=3) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('speed (mph)') plt.ylabel(r'delta $/10 miles/5 mph difference'); plt.title("Difference in cost per 10 miles for 5 mph change in speed"); #plt.savefig("dcostpermile.png"); block_size = 1./10 # in miles speed = 30 # mph #speed = 35 time_between_lights = block_size / speed * 60 * 60 # in seconds off_time = 50 # seconds on_time = 50 # seconds p_on = on_time *1.0/(on_time + off_time) n = 100 p_on from random import random def next_block(speed): time_between_lights = block_size / speed * 60 * 60 if random() < p_on: return time_between_lights else: return time_between_lights + random() * off_time def difftimes(nblocks, speed1, speed2): times = np.array([ sum( next_block(speed1) for i in xrange(nblocks) ) for i in xrange(10000) ]) times2 = np.array([ sum( next_block(speed2) for i in xrange(nblocks) ) for i in xrange(10000) ]) return times - times2 bins = np.linspace(-300,300,100) plt.hist( difftimes(5, 45,50), bins, histtype='step', normed=True, alpha=0.6 ,lw=3, label='N=5'); plt.hist( difftimes(15, 45,50), bins, histtype='step', normed=True, alpha=0.6 ,lw=3, label='N=15'); plt.hist( difftimes(50, 45,50), bins, histtype='step', normed=True, alpha=0.6 ,lw=3, label='N=50'); plt.legend() plt.xlim((-300,300)); # average speed tau = 30 # seconds vs = np.linspace(10,90,1000) p = 0.65 d = 1./10 average_speed = 60* 60 * d / ( d/vs * 60 * 60 + tau/2 * (1-p) ) plt.plot(vs, average_speed, lw=3); plt.grid() plt.xlabel('target speed (mph)'); plt.ylabel('average speed (mph)'); #plt.savefig('averagecityspeed.png'); # Gains in time plt.plot( vs, 5./vs , lw=3, label="5 mph gain"); plt.xlabel('target speed (mph)'); plt.ylabel('fractional time'); sigma = np.sqrt( tau**2 / 12. * ( 1 - p ) * ( 3 * p - 1) ) mu = tau/2. * ( 1 - p ) avgtime = d/vs * 60 * 60 + mu plt.plot( vs, sigma/avgtime, ls='--', label='N=1' ); plt.plot( vs, sigma/avgtime/np.sqrt(10), ls='--', label='N=10' ); plt.plot( vs, sigma/avgtime/10.0, ls='--', label='N=100' ); plt.yscale('log'); plt.legend(loc=1); ax = plt.gca() plt.grid(); plt.tight_layout() #plt.savefig('gainsversuslights.png'); plt.plot(vs, avgtime);