import gdal import cartopy class EASE_North( def __init__(self): # see: proj4_params = {'proj': 'laea', 'lat_0': 90., 'lon_0': 0, 'x_0': 0, 'y_0': 0, 'a': 6371228, 'b': 6371228, 'units': 'm', 'no_defs': ''} super(EASE_North, self).__init__(proj4_params) @property def boundary(self): coords = ((self.x_limits[0], self.y_limits[0]),(self.x_limits[1], self.y_limits[0]), (self.x_limits[1], self.y_limits[1]),(self.x_limits[0], self.y_limits[1]), (self.x_limits[0], self.y_limits[0])) return @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return (-9000000, 9000000) @property def y_limits(self): return (-9000000, 9000000) # example data from: # ds = gdal.Open('D:/NISE_SSMISF17_20130930.HDFEOS') # this loads the layers for both hemispheres data = np.array([gdal.Open(name, gdal.GA_ReadOnly).ReadAsArray() for name, descr in ds.GetSubDatasets() if 'Extent' in name]) ds = None # mask anything other then sea ice sea_ice_concentration = < 1) | (data > 100), data, 0) lim = 3000000 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8),subplot_kw={'projection': EASE_North(), 'xlim': [-lim,lim], 'ylim': [-lim,lim]}) land = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='physical', name='land', scale='50m', facecolor='#dddddd', edgecolor='none') #ax.add_feature(land) ax.coastlines() # from the metadata in the HDF extent = [-9036842.762500, 9036842.762500, -9036842.762500, 9036842.762500] ax.imshow(sea_ice_concentration[0,:,:],, vmin=1,vmax=100, interpolation='none', origin='upper', extent=extent, transform=EASE_North())