from genda.formats import Genotype as G import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np #Load in my saved data #In thi example case and control are just data frames with data control = pd.load('tests/data/control_example') case = pd.load('tests/data/case_example') encoder = pd.load('tests/data/encoder_example') #Applying the encoder #If your data has already had an encoder applied to it, don't worry about this step #Also, if your data is a SNP_array object, this process is simplified by the SNP_array.apply_encoder function from genda.formats.Snp_array import _single_column_allele case = case.ix[encoder.index,:] control = control.ix[encoder.index,:] case.geno = case.apply(_single_column_allele, encoder = encoder, axis = 1) control.geno = control.apply(_single_column_allele, encoder = encoder, axis = 1) #Removes rows so the indexes are identicle and ready to analyze case.geno, control.geno = G.comparable(case.geno, control.geno) #Perform association test p = G.chi2_association(control.geno,case.geno) #Graph results plt.scatter(range(len(p[1])), -1*np.log10(p[1])) #Check value of a certain SNP p[0]['rs12913832']