First lets do a T-Test with two independent sets of data with same mean and variance.
As we can see the p-value is greater than 0.05 meaning there is a very small chance that the means of the two actually being different. So we cant reject the hypothesis that the means are the same
We are interested in the process that data is collected from a process (patients visiting a doctor) and random intervals and having measurements taken. I am assuming that the measurements are randomly distributed (mean 5) and that the days of visiting are random too. I am going to create a 120 day process with guaranteed measurements on day 1 and day 120 but random days in between. Patients will not have the same measurements. Lets assume the patients have 8 - 12 measurements in the time (including the start and end measurements)
Now lets calculate AUC for each data point
Lets look at the distribution of the AUC